Parameter file#
The tblite parameter files are written in TOML. Each major contribution to the energy is specified in its own table. The presence of the table enables the contribution in the method. The parameters are splitted in global and element specific parameters, global parameters are specified in the respective method table, while element specific parameters are collected together in the element records. The exception are the optional element pairwise parameters for the scaling of the Hamiltonian elements which are specified in the Hamiltonian section.
TOML quickstart#
This guide will only cover the aspects of TOML relevant for representing the parameter file in this project. For an extensive guide on TOML visit its homepage.
We choose TOML to represent our parameter files since it produces both human and machine readable files and has good support over all major progamming languages. TOML is a configuration file format, which allows to represent data in tables, arrays and values. Values can have data types of integer, boolean, real, and string.
Integers do not cast implicitly to real numbers in TOML, make sure to actually specify a real number in the parametrization file if a real is required. Some TOML parsers offer an implicit conversion but this behaviour is not generally available in standard-compliant TOML parser.
Tables are specified by headers enclosed in brackets, nesting is represented by dots in the header name.
# ...
# ...
# ...
The toplevel header is optional as long as the table only contains other tables, the hamiltonian header can be left away without changing the data structure. Small tables can be represented by inline tables with curly braces:
d4 = {sc=true, s8=2.70, a1=0.52, a2=5.00, s9=5.00}
The above structure is equivalent to
s6 = 1.00
s8 = 2.70
a1 = 0.52
a2 = 5.00
s9 = 5.00
sc = true
Arrays can be created by using brackets after a key
shells = [ "2s", "2p" ]
levels = [ -13.970922, -10.063292 ]
slater = [ 2.096432, 1.80 ]
ngauss = [ 4, 4 ]
refocc = [ 1.0, 3.0 ]
# ...
In TOML 0.5.0 arrays were constrained to equivalent data only, this restriction was lifted in TOML 1.0.0. In this format no mixed data arrays are required, which allows the usage of TOML 0.5.0 compliant parsers as well, if no updated library is available yet.
For libraries to handle TOML documents visit the TOML wiki.
Meta section#
The meta section allows to specify data describing the parametrization, like the name of the method, the version of the parametrization and the format used to specify it as well as relevant publications for this parametrizations. Only the data type of the entries is checked and whether the format version is supported by the library. The current format version is 1, specifying a higher version will result in an error.
format = 1
name = "GFN2-xTB"
version = 1
reference = "DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01176"
Allowed entries:
Keyword |
Description |
Type |
format |
version of the parameter file format |
integer |
name |
name of the parametrization |
string |
version |
version of the parametrization data |
integer |
reference |
relevant publications for this parameters |
string |
Hamiltonian section#
The Hamiltonian section is used to declare the details of the used Hamiltonian. Currently, only xTB type Hamiltonians can be declared in the xtb subtable.
wexp = 0.5
enscale = 2.0e-2
cn = "gfn"
shell = {ss=1.85, pp=2.23, dd=2.23, sd=2.0, pd=2.0}
Pair parameters can be specified for all elements of the element records. Specifying an X-Y entry implies the Y-X entry and only one will be read and used since the pair parameters cannot be asymetric. The default value is one for each pair.
H-H = 0.96
H-B = 0.95
H-N = 1.04
N-Si = 1.01
B-P = 0.97
Sc-Sc = 1.10
Sc-Ti = 1.10
# ...
The kpair section can be used to tune the Hamiltonian to better describe certain bonding situations. The suitable range parameters is close to one and large deviations from unity will create an instable Hamiltonian.
Allowed entries:
Keyword |
Description |
Type |
Unit |
wexp |
scaling from slater exponents |
real |
dimensionless |
enscale |
scaling from EN difference |
real |
dimensionless |
cn |
CN type for selfenergy shift |
string |
shell |
shell-specific scaling |
table of reals |
dimensionless |
kpair |
pairwise scaling for elements |
table of reals |
dimensionless |
Dispersion section#
The dispersion section supports the d4 subtable for DFT-D4 type dispersion corrections and the d3 subtable for DFT-D3 type dispersion corrections. The rational (Becke–Johnson) damping scheme is always used.
d4 = {sc=true, s8=2.70, a1=0.52, a2=5.00, s9=5.00}
Allowed entries:
Keyword |
Description |
Type |
Unit |
s6 |
scaling for C6 dispersion terms |
real |
dimensionless |
s8 |
scaling for C8 dispersion terms |
real |
dimensionless |
a1 |
scaling of critical radius |
real |
dimensionless |
a2 |
offset for critical radius |
real |
Bohr |
s9 |
scaling for triple-dipole terms |
real |
dimensionless |
sc |
use self-consistent dispersion |
logical |
Repulsion section#
The xTB repulsion term can be specified in the effective subtable.
effective = {kexp=1.5}
Allowed entries:
Keyword |
Description |
Type |
Unit |
kexp |
exponent for repulsion |
real |
dimensionless |
klight |
exponent for light atom pairs |
real |
dimensionless |
Halogen section#
The GFN1-xTB specific halogen bonding correction can be specified in the classical subtable.
classical = {rscale=1.3, damping=0.44}
Allowed entries:
Keyword |
Description |
Type |
Unit |
rscale |
scaling parameter for radii |
real |
dimensionless |
damping |
damping parameter |
real |
dimensionless |
Charge section#
The Klopman–Ohno parametrized electrostatic model is available with the effective subtable, while the DFTB γ-functional electrostatic can be enabled with the gamma subtable. Only one electrostatic model can be active at a time.
Klopman–Ohno electrostatic#
The gam parameter in the element records is used as atomic Hubbard parameters and scaled with the lgam parameter to obtain shell-resolved values. The exponent of the kernel can be modified as well as the averaging scheme for the Hubbard parameters. Available averaging schemes are arithmetic (GFN2-xTB), harmonic (GFN1-xTB) and geometric. The electrostatic is always constructed shell-resolved.
effective = {gexp=2.0, average="arithmetic"}
Allowed entries:
Keyword |
Description |
Type |
Unit |
gexp |
exponent of kernel |
real |
dimensionless |
average |
averaging scheme |
string |
DFTB γ-functional electrostatic#
The gam parameter in the element records is used as Hubbard parameter and scaled with the lgam parameter to obtain shell-resolved values. The electrostatic is always constructed shell-resolved.
gamma = {}
Thirdorder section#
An on-site thirdorder charge is supported, to use atomic Hubbard derivatives the shell keyword can be set to false, while for shell-resolved Hubbard derivatives the scaling parameters for the respective shells have to specified. The highest specified angular momentum is implicitly used for all but absent higher momenta.
shell = {s=1.00, p=0.50, d=0.25}
While the following setup uses the atomic Hubbard derivative for all shells
shell.s = 1.0
it is fundamentally different from using an atom-resolved third-order model.
Multipole section#
The anisotropic electrostatic of GFN2-xTB can be enabled using the damped subtable. It requires five parameters to setup the damping function to reduce the short-range contributions from the multipole electrostatics.
damped = {dmp3=3.0, dmp5=4.0, kexp=4.0, shift=1.2, rmax=5.0}
Allowed entries:
Keyword |
Description |
Type |
Unit |
dmp3 |
damping for quadratic terms |
real |
dimensionless |
dmp5 |
damping for cubic terms |
real |
dimensionless |
kexp |
exponent for multipole radii |
real |
dimensionless |
shift |
shift for valence CN value |
real |
dimensionless |
rmax |
maximum multipole radius |
real |
dimensionless |
Element records#
The main body of the parameter file contains of element records. The parameters here are used to initialize contributions from the tables other tables, but are collected in the element records for easy usage. Most keywords require entries, even if the respective contribution is not used in the method.
Each record is identified by its symbol, which allows to have multiple parameter sets for the same element. Input elements which do not match any symbol, will use the parametrization of the first element record with the same atomic number. To ensure that the right element is used as fallback an ordered dictionary is recommended to represent the element records.
shells = [ "1s" ]
levels = [ -10.707211 ]
slater = [ 1.23 ]
ngauss = [ 3 ]
refocc = [ 1.0 ]
kcn = [ -5.0e-2 ]
gam = 0.405771
lgam = [ 1.0 ]
gam3 = 0.08
zeff = 1.105388
arep = 2.213717
en = 2.20
dkernel = 5.563889e-2
qkernel = 2.7431e-4
mprad = 1.4
mpvcn = 1.0
shells = [ "2s", "2p" ]
levels = [ -13.970922, -10.063292 ]
slater = [ 2.096432, 1.80 ]
ngauss = [ 4, 4 ]
refocc = [ 1.0, 3.0 ]
kcn = [ -1.02144e-2, 1.61657e-2 ]
gam = 5.38015e-1
lgam = [ 1.0, 1.1056358 ]
gam3 = 1.50e-1
zeff = 4.231078
arep = 1.247655
en = 2.55
dkernel = -4.11674e-3
qkernel = 2.13583e-3
mprad = 3.0
mpvcn = 3.0
Allowed entries:
Keyword |
Description |
Type |
Unit |
shells |
included valence shells |
array of strings |
dimensionless |
levels |
atomic self-energies |
array of reals |
eV |
slater |
exponents of basis functions |
array of reals |
1/Bohr² |
ngauss |
number of STO-NG primitives |
array of integers |
dimensionless |
refocc |
reference occupation of atom |
array of reals |
Unitcharge |
kcn |
CN dependent self-energy shift |
array of reals |
eV |
shpoly |
polynomial enhancement factor |
array of reals |
dimensionless |
gam |
atomic Hubbard parameter |
real |
Hartree/Unitcharge² |
lgam |
relative shell hardness |
array of reals |
dimensionless |
gam3 |
atomic Hubbard derivative |
real |
Hartree/Unitcharge³ |
zeff |
effective nuclear charge |
real |
Unitcharge |
arep |
repulsion exponent |
real |
dimensionless |
dkernel |
on-site dipole kernel |
real |
Hartree |
qkernel |
on-site quadrupole kernel |
real |
Hartree |
mprad |
critical multipole radius |
real |
Bohr |
mpvcn |
multipole valence CN |
real |
dimensionless |
xbond |
halogen bonding strength |
real |
Hartree |
en |
atomic electronegativity |
real |
dimensionless |